Obama Says Goodbye to Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel

President Obama described yesterday as a “bittersweet day here at the White House” as he expressed much admiration for his outgoing chief of staff Rahm Emanuel also calling him an “incomparable leader.”

Rahm Emanuel also dubbed “Rahmbo” for his hard-charging and profane, yet evidently effective methods of getting key legislation passed, is a  planning to run for mayor of Chicago. While delivering his resignation speech, Emanuel commended the President for confronting “some of the toughest challenges of our time.”

“You had the guts to make the tough calls that stopped the free fall and saved our country from a second Great Depression,” Emanuel said. “You’ve taken on some of the most powerful interests in this town to stand up for the American people. ”

After receiving a well deserved standing ovation, Emanuel, although a bit emotional, straightforwardly concluded in saying, “Thank you all. I look forward to seeing you in Chicago.”

With that being said President Obama welcomed in Pete Rouse, as interim pick for chief of staff.

Although, Rouse is a very low-key person who would rather stay behind the scenes, he is also a well thought out individual who maps out all steps in an equally effective fashion. While serving as Senator Barak Obama’s chief of staff, he diligently laid out the battle plan that got a largely unknown freshman senator a winning presidential campaign.

Flip the Script to view Rahm Emanuel deliver his resignation speech at the White House……

I really hope he can clean up those tough streets of Chicago.

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